Another rocktastic week here at Copthill!!
We are very proud of our Roman Temple - we have written about our Architecture morning and what valuable experience we have gained from it being Team, Creative and Reflective Learners.
In Science 4W were having a really good look at a variety of rocks. They carried out fair tests to see how durable and permeable they were. From this they were drawing some very interesting conclusions... Will 4D draw the same conclusions too when they do a similar investigation next week?
the first of many tries!
Look at our beautiful and carefully executed line drawings that we have done of Hindu Mandirs - we have used watercolour to create temples to exhibit the love and importance of colour within the religion.
We are geographical geniuses!!In the run up to the game, we researched which countries were playing in the World Cup and found their corresponding flag. Some of us did a factfile on one of the countries.
Thursday was an extra exciting day at Copthill. We were lucky enough to have the opportunity to watch the rugby world cup in the school hall as England were playing America. Those who were not such fans of the game made Roman bread with Mrs Pye and Mrs Donaldson.
the first of many tries!