Friday, 20 December 2019

It's a wrap!

Golly - it was such a rush towards the end of term that I completely forgot to publish Year 4's final blog for this year!

So we started the week with a Roman march using our fantastic shields that the children made in DT with Mr Thomas:

We even made the tortoise formation!

There are some pretty mean looking legionaries there!

Our final week for House-keeping club included a collaboration with the Creative Club and Lego club. We had a rotation of activities which included making some fabulous paper stars with Mrs Over and some very funky and super cool festive glasses with Mrs Teesdale. We decorated and ate some festive gingerbread people!

What with the Stuff the Turkey prize draw, the Rotten Romans movie morning (with popcorn), our delicious Christmas lunch we were more than prepared for the festivities ahead! We finished off our week with a wonderful Upper School Carol Service. A poem and song from the Donkey's perspective were beautifully delivered by Year 4. It certainly helped to get us all in the Christmas spirit. 

Before we finished for the week, we made a card and delivered a present for our dinner ladies - they were thrilled to bits as we had drawn a picture of our favourite meal for them to see:

Have a wonderful Christmas everybody and a Happy and healthy New Year. We look forward to sharing more of our exciting learning and experiences with you next term. 

Children in Need and Forest School Fun

  We had a great time joining in with Joe Wicks at the end of his 24-hour workout for Children in Need.   Wow! Joe Wicks achieved his 2...